Sanitary Pads/Napkins

Girls and women in many areas of the world need sanitary pads but distance from larger cities and lack of money for purchases prevents them from obtaining these important items. We will send with the napkins a shoulder bag designed for the very purpose of holding monthly supplies but looking like a really cute purse. It will be filled with 10 sanitary napkins, bar of soap, lotion, panties and safety pins. Scroll down for complete patterns and instructions.
Carolyn P. of the Texas WMU said in October 2014:
“The challenges and hardships are immense…..Simple things like dealing with a woman’s regular menstrual cycle can keep someone from going to work or school because she lacks what she needs. Roughly 20 per cent of women in one South Asia country use disposable pads for their period. The rest use rags, ash, coconut husks, or just sit for a week. Women and girls may deal with infection, loss of productivity and shame. Some drop out of school which only increases the cycle of poverty. Some miss work and cannot feed their families that week.”
Please send bags and finished pads to:
Haiti Missions
Fredonia Hill Baptist Church
1711 South Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75964
WMU of Texas office
333 N. Washington Ave.
Dallas, TX 75246
Click to enlarge patterns and instructions.
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