Share your garden

Growing your own food has so many benefits, it would be hard to list them all, but the main one is that it helps provide more food, and healthier food, for your family. And, with billions of people hungry in the world today, learning how to garden, and sharing your produce, also has an important role to play in helping eliminate hunger.
Think no one in your local community is hungry? Think again & get the facts:
Real stories of hunger, click here.
An easy way to help is by sharing seedlings. When you are getting set up for your own garden, just add a few more seeds to a few more pots, and when the seedlings are up, you can take those to your local food bank or similar organization, for them to distribute to people in need. If you have extra pots (which you probably do, if you are already gardening), send those along, too, so that people who might not have a yard can still have a tomato or pepper plant on their patio or deck, even in an apartment or other small or shared space.
The best seedlings to share are the ones that give the best value for your money, in terms of health benefits and saving money that you might have spent on groceries, that you can now spend on other things. The best options are easy to grow and can be grown in small spaces such as a regular backyard or in pots, and are expensive in the store but cheap to grow at home, such as tomatoes, lettuce and bell peppers. Other cost-effective options suitable for larger spaces include broccoli, garlic and squash.
More detailed info here.
Plant a tree! A fruit or nut tree (such as pear tree, shown here) can provide fresh healthy food for many families for years to come.
Gardening is not just for spring and summer. Many plants such as lettuce, carrots, onions, kale, and broccoli can “winter over” and provide food year round, even if there’s snow! (broccoli and peppers shown here)
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